nasze biuro rachunkowe - obrazek z labiryntem

Our specializations

We specialize in keeping accounting books of enterprises from the SME sector from manufacturing industries, especially with foreign capital.

We conduct reliable settlements of companies from the construction industry, ensuring full compliance with specific provisions that apply to companies in this industry.

We have extensive experience in cooperation with trade and service companies, guarding attention to details, which are most often the subject of an audit by tax authorities.

We offer:

  • accounting books, tax revenue and expense books, tax records for the purposes of flat-rate income tax, tax settlements for PIT, CIT, VAT, VAT-EU, HR and payroll, settlements with the Tax Office, Social Insurance Institution, National Bank of Poland and accounting supervision.

We provide settlements for:

  • production, construction, commercial and service activities, domestic and foreign transactions in foreign currencies, intra-Community transactions (WDT and WNT), import and export of goods, import of services and provision of services outside the country, mail order from the country, including via online stores or Polish and foreign sales platforms (e.g. Allegro, eBay, Etsy, Amazon) - so-called e-commerce, sales in the margin system (e.g. trade in used cars).

How can we help you? Call us: +48 660 746 735 or write to us: